
hey there.

My name is Raquel Leora & I am a stylist & creative director with a passion for health & wellness. This is my little corner of the internet where I can share tips, tricks, photos, & stories! Hope you enjoy.

Morning Oats: The Trick To Feeling Satisfied

Morning Oats: The Trick To Feeling Satisfied

I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again. I love breakfast. Not only do I love the taste, but I love the routine I have created of starting my day off on the happiest note I can. For me, the trick to a good start to the day is a healthy meal that will keep me feeling satisfied. Taking time to enjoy my meal & express gratitude for the day before rushing into the countless tasks I have to get done always puts me in a better headspace. By creating something beautiful and yummy, I feel like I have accomplished something for myself before rushing into all of the other tasks the day requires! Below I have listed my favorite morning oats that actually keep me feeling full, cater to my sweet tooth, & leave me feeling ready to take on the world.


My favorite morning oats

  • 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
    add 1 cup water & frozen blueberries, cover, microwave for 1 minute
    The frozen blueberries melt into the oats, adding an extra natural sweetness

  • 2 spoonfuls plain dairy free yogurt (I love Kite Hill!)

  • 1 spoonful almond butter some of my favorites are

  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds
    I love adding these on top because they truly keep me feeling full for way longer!

  • Honey or agave
    I’ll admit it, I definitely have a bit of a sweet tooth. For me, adding honey or agave on top of my unsweetened oats and yogurt is a great solution to getting that sweetness I desire, without the added chemicals that often times come in flavored yogurts or sugary syrups! My favorite is Manuka Honey. It’s a bit pricey, but the health benefits are truly incomparable.

This is one of my favorites, but I am always looking for new suggestions. Shoot me a message & let me know how you start your mornings.

Switching To All Natural

Switching To All Natural

Finding Your Girl Gang

Finding Your Girl Gang