
hey there.

My name is Raquel Leora & I am a stylist & creative director with a passion for health & wellness. This is my little corner of the internet where I can share tips, tricks, photos, & stories! Hope you enjoy.

Finding Your Girl Gang

Finding Your Girl Gang

Let’s talk female friendships. I don’t know about you, but for a long time, I found them incredibly difficult to navigate. It seemed like someone was always gossiping, talking behind someone else’s back, competing with someone else, or using someone to get ahead or gain social status. For a long time, I felt like I couldn’t trust the girls around me & I continued to feel lost or unable to be myself.

I realized that something had to change after I went through a friend break up with someone I thought was going to be by my side through it all! I saw the red flags in the friendship before, but ignored them, telling myself everything would be fine. It hit a point where I decided enough was enough and I reevaluated who I wanted in my life.

It took some learning & growing to get through it all, but today I can honestly say I have never felt more confident, loved, and secure due to the incredible women surrounding me!
In order to find these lovely ladies, I had to change a few key things.


First of all, I had to know who I was, what I wanted, & become more confident & independent!
People gravitate towards what you put out. So I had to look within to see what I was putting out there. I needed to stop blaming the world & realize that I was a part of my own problem. By switching up my priorities, focusing on my dreams, & getting healthy, I naturally began to attract more people with those same attitudes.

Then, someone gave me a bit of advice that made everything more clear.

You are a reflection of the 3 to 5 closest people in your life.

I took a look at who I had surrounded myself with & made a clear choice about who I wanted to be more like and who I needed to distance myself from. I even made a gratitude list of the women in my life who had impacted me. I wrote out bullet points of the qualities I admired & began to surround myself with people who shared those qualities!


& finally, I let go of who I thought I should be friends with & allowed life to just happen! Anyone who knows me knows that I love control. Because of this, I don’t like to allowing things to simply fall into place. But isn’t that what life is truly about? Letting things fall into place & enjoying the in between? In order to do this, I had to learn a bit about acceptance, I had to accept that maybe I wasn’t going to be friends with that one group of people who I was dying to hang out with. I had to accept that what was meant for me would come along. What passed me by was not meant for me after all. In doing this, I learned that it would not only be okay, but it would exceed what I ever thought was possible.

Thank you to the people who have come along the way of my journey so far, to the people who have helped shape who I am & what I want, & to the people who are still yet to come into the picture.

Morning Oats: The Trick To Feeling Satisfied

Morning Oats: The Trick To Feeling Satisfied

Self Love & Daily Affirmations

Self Love & Daily Affirmations